A downloadable Troika creature

Forth from the gentlemen's clubs and explorer's guilds they emerged, black and orbicular against the Troikan smog. To a thousand thousand landscapes they travelled, to catalogue a thousand thousand wildernesses - and to seed the rot of empire in each.

A new thinking engine for Troika! - a mini-boss to throw at your players travelling uncharted lands; granting the most precious loot of all - knowledge.

A deactivated Heliozincographic Drone reveals a nearby location worth exploring,  sparking further improvised shenanigans. But be warned; besting such a machine is no easy feat!

Words and ASCII by Ewen Macalister.
Published for Cussa and Melsonia's legendary Community Bestiary Jam.

Troika Fortle


Heliozinographic Drone.pdf 11 MB
Heliozincographic Drone Plain Text.txt 1.1 kB

Install instructions

Thanks for downloading! 

Please enjoy and, as always, let me know what your players do with them.

If you liked this and also contributed to the jam, please consider VOTING for it; as that would really mean the world to me!

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