As per The Institute for Parapsychic Phenomena's guidelines, forms should ideally be filled by one person, with optional assistance from any others who witnessed the same event. The Institute also values, however, parallel forms made by two or more different parties both separately witness to the same event.
As per government mandate, our public archives are password protected. We at The Institute for Parapsychic Phenomena apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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how many players is this game for?
As per The Institute for Parapsychic Phenomena's guidelines, forms should ideally be filled by one person, with optional assistance from any others who witnessed the same event. The Institute also values, however, parallel forms made by two or more different parties both separately witness to the same event.
It's a lovely concept, although I can't access the pastebins
As per gov
ernment mandate, our public archives are password protected. We at The Institute for Parapsychic Phenomena apologisefor any inconvenience caused.For further details, please se
eour FAQ here.Removed.
Might be a little too in character on this...
Yep yep this looks good if not great. [citation needed]
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